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Can a site download files without permission.through browser

Can a site download files without permission.through browser
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If, for some reason, something goes wrong with your php installation, then it is theoretically possible to download the php file "raw." This, however, is unlikely. If there is an LFI (local file inclusion) vulnerability in this script (or any other dynamic pages on the site), it is possible to display a file . Jan 01,  · Hi, I cannot download any files from the internet. I've tried using firefox and internet explorer and neither work. It appears as if the file downloads as I get the dialog box and the Icon, but it says canceled under the icon. How to download a file without browser and open/save dialog batch maybe? Ask Question To be more exactly to use a windows (let say 7) component to download a file without a dialog like vbs, hta,, is possible? I dont want to download wget, curl, telnet or .

can a site download files without permission.through browser

Can a site download files without permission.through browser

By using our site, can a site download files without permission.through browser, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Information Security Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for information security professionals. It only takes a minute to sign up. I told my developer to move it away from public folder but he said there is no risk as files are php files and even if someone types in browser the.

Is that correct? Is there no way someone can download a php file and see whats inside, even if hacker logs into my server somehow to download the file or include it in a php file on his server using XSS? In order to read PHP code you need a directory traversal vulnerability, can a site download files without permission.through browser. Using FTP means that source code is transmitted in plain text.

Be careful of backup files, sometimes editors will create index. In addition to server-side vulnerabilities of all varieties, leaked FTP passwords are also a significant concern. This is very common.

I've personally seen hundreds, maybe thousands of cases where this has happened. And typically, the person who unknowingly leaked the passwords is someone who no longer needs to have them anyway. And if you're wondering whether an attacker will actually dig through your configuration files looking for passwords, the answer is unambiguously " yes ".

Typically it's one of the very first things an attacker will do, within minutes of compromising a new machine. There are two possible ways that an attacker would be able to read this file as text, rather than execute it.

If your web server is misconfigured, then the php might not be executed. You obviously need to have php installed and running server-side, as well as have a web server in place that supports this. If, for some reason, something goes wrong with your php installation, then it is theoretically possible to download the php file "raw.

If there is an LFI local file inclusion vulnerability in this script or any other dynamic pages on the siteit is possible to display a file that is located on the web server. See the Wikipedia page on file inclusion vulnerabilities to see what this would look like. As an aside, it's worth noting that in order to use PHP files at all, they need to be reachable by a browser.

There's no way to "hide" the page, unless you have another script executing it elsewhere. Leaked FTP passwords are all very common and are one of the most common ways that source files are removed, malware installed on the developers websites is very common and recently develops gave began witnessing spear phishing attacks against them in an attempt for hackers to gain intellectual property.

One of the not so common ways and from what I'm aware of is only known by a certain amount of people, but if you develop your website on the Linux webserver where the website is being hosted onthen you may have a problem as some editing software will store backups of edited files hidden from the developers view e, can a site download files without permission.through browser.

This would reveal the source of of the backup login. As others answered, this shouldn't be possible. However, you can't say that there's absolutely no way for an attacker to read your PHP source code.

For example, there may be a vulnerability that allows an attacker to view files in the web server, including raw PHP code.

Or an attacker may be able to discover your FTP password, which also could be done in many ways, including man-in-the-middle attacks and social engineering.

There are many possibilities. A download. See this. As long as things are setup correctly on the server, PHP files should be registered as scripts and the web server should have them interpreted by PHP when requested and only display the results of that interpretation.

That said, any number of issues can result in files being exposed. Some of these issues can also expose data regardless of if they are in a public folder or not. It is always important to make sure your server is properly configured to only allow the requests you need allowed. This reduces the surface area available to attack and helps avoid possible bug related issues that could result in a breach.

Is it a good idea to have a config file in a public folder? As long as the server is configured not to give out the file without processing it, can a site download files without permission.through browser, it probably isn't much less secure than any other spot on the system.

There is the small chance of a bug in the web server being used to prevent execution by the scripting engine, but the more likely attacks are attacks that would come from some other direction like SQL, FTP or some code injection where being in a private folder would be equally exposed.

That said, the flip side of the question can a site download files without permission.through browser why not put it somewhere else. The most secure option would be to put it someplace that only the user that the web site's PHP instance runs as can access and deny access to the file from any other mechanism such as the FTP user or any other publicly used users. This is rather difficult to configure and manage however, so a decision has to be made if the additional security is necessary or not.

It's a toss up on which is best. It's a lot of extra work to manage all the paths, permissions and users to maintain that level of security. On the flip side, as long as the server is kept patched and properly configured, you should only be vulnerable to zero day exploits that attack at a very low level and can be safe against pretty much all common attacks, even with the config file in the public folder.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Is it possible for a hacker to can a site download files without permission.through browser a php file without executing it first? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. Active 4 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 99k times. I told my developer to move it away from public folder but he said there is no risk as files are php files and even if someone types in browser can a site download files without permission.through browser www.

Petja Zaichikov Petja Zaichikov 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. Its correct provided the php settings are correct which is easy enough to verify. There are tons of resources which explain what settings features should be enabled and disabled when using PHP and the values certain settings should be i. XSS is client side, there is no way in which this could ever be used to read source code on the server.

If you think this is possible you need to lean more about XSS, this is a very serious venerability and not understanding the basics of this venerability is extremely dangerous. It's relatively easy to make a configuration mistake that will temporarily disable PHP execution, can a site download files without permission.through browser why take the risk?

For any decent app the only thing that needs to reside in the public folder is an index. Everything else should be one directory above that is not accessible from the outside. SQL Injection under mysql can be used to read source code. FTP means that source code is transmitted in plain text Rook Gopher still exists. FTP will always exist. The question is why people still use it.

And the answer probably has to do with the fact that SFTP requires a shell account or rssh, etc an isn't supported on Windows.

Searching through config files for hardcoded passwords is seriously the easiest way to priv-esc and pwn networks Rook - LFI is entirely possible. Imagine e. Source: magazine What happens if an attacker was able to access databaseConnection. Bratislava Bob Bratislava Bob 31 1 1 bronze badge. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google, can a site download files without permission.through browser. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown.

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Can a site download files without permission.through browser

can a site download files without permission.through browser

This implies that 1. we are active agents when downloading files from websites and 2. websites cannot download files to our computer without our interaction. So, let's say I am using Firefox. I go to a sketchy website. Can that website download malicious content to my computer without my interaction or awareness? Optional Context. My laptop is not downloading internet files, whether they are games or files from a trusted website, or even Word documents sent to my email. I can start the download, but it never completes, and when I view what's being downloaded, the file will be on the list, but nothing is happening. I have Windows 7, and this is a new problem. It downloads apps; you paste the download link, set the download directory and file name, and begin downloading. The app is very basic which means pause and resume features for the download are only available if the server hosting the file supports it. The app can also be run from the command line to initiate a download.

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